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Articles for Bikers > Touring Articles > Five Motorcycle Destinations in Europe

Five Motorcycle Destinations in Europe

Most motorcycle enthusiasts will know that the best perk of owing a motorcycle is that you will never have a ‘normal ‘or ‘traditional’ holiday again. In fact, there is something quite sexy about motorcycle gear, you will feel like a movie star as you get leathered up and rev off on the roads for your holiday. This article covers 5 of the top places in Europe that you must take your motorcycle along with you to. Europe offers some fantastic motorcycle routes, and you will get lovely views. Great road experiences and overall it is something to be able to tell your grand kids about when you are grey and old!

Derbyshire in the UK has a fantastic route for your motorbike. You will be able to enjoy the British country side views, and take the famous route that starts at Buxton and goes all of the way to Whaley Bridge. You will get amazing views of the neighbouring Goyt Valley, and the entire route is easy to find as it sticks to the famous A5004 road. The road is very winding, and it will keep you very busy navigating your way along. This road is one of the best-kept secrets!

In France, there is a very popular road called the D618 route. You will be able to go through mountains, hills and see views that will leave you taken aback! It will lead you around the St Girons region of the South of France, and you will see lovely sights that are like no other. There are lots of places to stop off and camp at along the way, and of course France has great food and wine! Make sure that you do not drink and bike though.

If you’re a fan of spaghetti bolognaise, lasagne and pizza, then you will love a trip to Italy to take advantage of their SS300 road. The route will take you all of the way through the very renowned Stelvio National Park it is located in the North of Italy, and you will be able to catch great views of the Italian countryside. This biking route is phenomenal.

If the UK and Italy do not appeal to you, then Crete certainly will. There is a lovely road called the Agiofarago Gorge in Crete. It is a very dusty road that offers motor cycle enthusiasts the chance to twist, curve and battle it out in the dusty path to get to their final destination You will be able to see the views as you go along. Make sure that you do refrain from going over the local speed limit, as tempting as it can be you really do need to be safe as you ride along. Some sign posts for speed limits will not be visible and in Crete, they lack a lot of sign posts on the roads. Make sure you read about speed limits before you go!

Finland has great scenery to offer visitors. If you head to Finland and visit the Bodrum Circle, then you will see tourist sites like the Gunnarsvagen, and the Bodomintie. There are lovely cafes along the way where you can stop off and grab bites to eat, and there is also s a great motorcycle and car museum. There are lots of lakes and tiny villages. The country of Finland is a lovely adventure on your motorcycle.

As you can see owning a motorcycle and taking it to the great outdoors on a holiday is amazing. Make sure that you make the most out of your motorcycle. Also, make sure that you call your insurance company and ensure that you get covered for the period of time that you will not be in your home country.